Before we get into the Mayapples, this stunning Redbud tree welcomed us at the entrance to the mayapple forests of West Fairmount Park.
In Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, the Mayapple ushers in Spring with large patches that cover the hillsides of the many ravines. The plants open up like an umbrella and give way to a bright white flower. Lowering my view to below the canopy of Mayapple leaves, I am greeted by a vast, but miniature Springtime forest. The robust waxy flowers shine when the sun hits them, if the plants are situated on a steep enough slope. Most flowers remain hidden in the shade below an often dense canopy of leaves.
Podophyllum peltatum
Mayapples with a Beech tree just north of the Recycling center, below.
Above, Trout Lily, often found growing alongside Mayapples in Fairmount Park
These are the yellow flowers I asked about
…and the martensai
Packera aurea the Golden Ragwort
Three days ago, saw the first barely open Mayapples blooming in Morris Park. No Blood root yet–what I’d hoped to catch early. Trout lilies a long way from blooming. Highlight, was the witch hazel in bloom. f
What at the yellow flowers at the part edge on Morris Park Road… backed by martensia now in bloom. (photos on my group page on FB).