Facts? What is that?

That broken record or skipping cd -oh right, nowadays that is no longer a thing so the repetition is just another fact to ignore

I am being sarcastic here. We are about 70 days into this. however nothing has changed and it is probably going to get worse. Nobody wants to hear this. I certainly do not. We have to continue self distancing and staying at home. There is lots of propaganda out there that is contrary to this. Ignore it. like a broken record I will just say it again. Please think through all of your actions concerning this virus. Why are you actually wearing a mask why are you wearing gloves? Think about your trip to the supermarket from the very beginning to the very end.

One Reply to “Facts? What is that?”

  1. Gloves are not helpful. If not in a clinical setting, and absolutely, if you’ve not been taught how to safely discard them… don’t wear them.

    I wear masks every where out of the house. I someone approaches with no mask–or mask and their nostrils hanging out– I treat them as a threat to my life and take evasive action.

    Your masks protect me.
    My masks protect you.

    They shelter.
    We die.

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