FEB 28, 2012, along the east branch of Indian Creek, Morris Park, Philadelphia.

Photo by Brian Solomon. This Claytonia virginica was spotted in bloom on yet another unusually warm February day.
It is nice to see the flower, but it is worrysome that this is too early. Â Daffodils are blooming in the alley. Crocuses and snowdrops that have escaped out of cultivated yards into the natural woodlands are blooming as well.
It will be interesting to see how this spring unfolds.
I saw that it was 78 degrees F in Ely Minnesota… some 40 degree above season highs for the date.
Soaking it in… it’s like… Killing Us Softly … a whole new meaning
First flowers lead to first bees! Spring is coming! I hope you get some great photos this year of Morris Park.
Spring is around the corner. we will be carrying cameras on the lookout for good subject matter.
Spring will not be as dramatic this year for us, but for the plants they are ready for action! Thanks for sharing this pic. In DC the daffodils and cherry blossoms already are making appearances!
Sean, Did you see the article in last sundays NY Times about this years spring?
Nice photo. I like the ridge of trees in the distance.
I forgot my camera, but Brian had is on hand and I asked him to take a picture of the flower.