A new poem has been added to our Poetry In The Forest page. Â We searched our photo archives and found pictures of the author standing amidst her subject matter. Â Here is the poem. Enjoy!
The  Witch Hazel Grove
Deep in the woods behind the house
past the streams and beyond the Mountain Laurel
there is a grove of witch hazel.
Oval and with space between the bushes
which stand tall and sway gently
as we move among them.
This grove is surrounded with an aura
of gentleness and silence. Not like
a single bush or a lone tree.
This is a meditation place
there is a center here and the woods
grow around it.
Time may slow down. Small forest
mice feel safe. Overhead the trees
lean in a simple bow.
July 2011
M. Solomon
The actual Witch-Hazel grove in Monson Massachusetts.