The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia Pennsylvania
The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Welcome to our backyard! This neglected piece of Philadelphia shares a border with Morris Park, which is on the other side of the fence. For years inappropriate plantings have been escaping this yard into the park, and  invasives from the Park, escaped from other inappropriate plantings have found their way into the yard.   What a mess!  Noxious weeds such as Mile- a-minute, Multiflora Rose, Burning Bush, English Ivy, Porcelainberry, Japanese Stiltgrass and Garlic Mustard. Even the native plants were out of whack.  Violets, Poison Ivy and Pokeweed  were running rampant.  Non native garden plantings, not considered noxious weeds were showing signs of aggressive growth such as Rose-of -Sharon and Snow drops.

The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

We tilled the soil and planted all native in the backyard over the last 3 years, and have been weeding out the non-native all along. Isabelle created a garden plan that involved an oval shaped area of grass surrounded by beds of plantings.   The fact that the property directly borders Morris Park, a natural woodland area, has further inspired us to stick with native plants, especially ones native to the region of Philadelphia. Whatever we plant will eventually escape into the Park, and we would like that to be a plant that will not harm the natural area. Ideally, any plant we put in our yard would have originated from a local seed source, and we do try to search these plants out.  Because of its proximity to a natural area, our yard is something of an extension of a natural area, yet it is a garden.

Joe Pye Weed, The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joe Pye Weed, The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Here we have confronted the situation at hand: we have this unique situation of bordering a natural area, and being enthusiastic about native plants, and wanting to create a beautiful garden in an area infested with invasives.

We found that by being limited to the native plants of Philadelphia, we were at an advantage: our clearly defined scope allowed us to focus on our planting choices, and the sun exposure and soil conditions gave us even more focus. The limiting choices of plant material has actually enhanced our sense of garden design. It has given it a purpose; an ecological sensibility and the challenge of a horticultural translation from raw nature to an ornamental garden setting.

There is an enlightenment to be had from the restrictions of native plants that only grow in this very specific region.  We can focus on these specific plants, we can learn their habits, latin names and their place in the botanical classification, where they become members of a global family of plants that go back millenia. Suddenly we realize that we are participating in nature itself, that we are attuning ourselves to the botanical evolution of Southeastern Pennsylvania, we are truly embracing the sense of place, the home of the plants we choose, we are becoming involved as closely as possible to the millions of years of  botanical evolution that have occurred right at our doorstep.  What an amazing breakthrough!

Our sense of time has been transformed. We go out into the park and take close notes on the plants just growing, and we see them as the genetic blueprint of our natural lands, the area of the world we inhabit. We want a garden in our yard, we want to celebrate these local, indigenous plants, to highlight them, to conserve them, to share them, exalt them above the introduced versions, the aliens, the ones that are are inappropriate to our place. We want our sense of place to be reaffirmed and we want to have a grasp of our sense of time, the years, the seasons, the many skies that pass over us, that we are somehow a part of this natural phenomenon.

Here, we have a chance to participate botanically in the world of time and the immediate sense of place, here in Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, here and now, we watch our plants grow and flower, and we ponder over the red, tubular flowers and the Hummingbirds that visit hourly, the moths and bees, the bright yellow flowers of the Sundrops, the Oenothera fruticosa, and we really feel our sense of place and time in our little spot in the world, our small urban garden in West Philadelphia. These plants we have chosen, guided by such scientific volumes as the The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania, an Annotated checklist and Atlas, are the plants of our place. These are the plants that tell us where we are in the world, they tell us where the sun is, the rainfall, the soil conditions, where the nearest stream or wetland area is, or where the nearest tree is, how high in elevation, what the weather is.

We started with the books and have just gone ahead and planted them and watched them grow or die.  The garden is a place where we  have been trying to learn about nature first hand, in a semi controlled setting. We have watched our plantings wither and wondered why.  We have watched other plants flourish with great delight. The native plant garden has captured us emotionally, we are made happy by the success of a species and made sad by the failures of another. Its a ground of learning, a new territory of exploration.

The idea of a garden being a place of botanical exploration is ideal. We recommend this journey to be one of native plants to your region. limitations, especially ecological ones, will prove to be the most rewarding. Putting boundaries on enlightenment may seem counterintuitive at first, but when we can grasp a solid sense of place by our restrictions, and really feel that we are somewhere, and this somewhere is magnificent and is the place, then we are enlightened.

We dream of visiting other parts of the world,such as the mesic forests of central China, where we can see the Tree Of Heaven, the Ailanthus altissima, growing naturally in its habitat.  This tree is a noxious weed in the U.S. and in western Europe. It is a horribly problematic tree, but to see its native habitat could give us a sense of global place; will we understand better the value of our own habitat, our micro region, our garden?

To us the garden is more than a place we can kick off our shoes and  rest under the canopy of a nice native shade tree and appreciate the beauty of nature, and see the flowers of our plantings we have worked so hard to create.  The garden is a place of learning, an ongoing adventure of questions asked and answered.

Tall Meadow Rue, The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tall Meadow Rue, The native plant garden of the Sanguine Root, Morris Park Road, Overbrook, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania






Trillium grandiflorum, Schuylkill Center For Environmental Education
Trillium grandiflorum, Schuylkill Center For Environmental Education


We sat down on the narrow trail to admire the Phlox and the bluebells in the early afternoon sunlight. Up the south facing hill we could see Trillium grandiflorum , Spring Beauty and Mayapple blooming away, their white and pink flowers glowing in the precious spring light. The Beech, Oak, Sycamore and Maples had not fully leafed out yet, creating a magnificent filtered light, a bathing light, a light the flowers soaked up, ripening their delicate petals until they filled to maturity until the last hour of total vibrance, the height of their full bloom.

To see these flowers at their peak is to see Spring, our recognition of this moment is our initiation into the rite of our personal passage into the season, with each flower we perceive, our sense of spring is that much more matured, we appreciate Spring and we begin to understand it .  Once we have reached the awareness of Spring and its splendid beauty, it is ever so easy to see the decline: even the slightest wilt of the flowers is ours to behold, The Trilliums get an edge of brown around the edges, the bluebells lose their bluest of flowers to the sky ultimately, and we are left with our desire to see the newest and freshest bloom.

Spring is tulmultuous. Even seeing flowers we never got to see bloom withering away is unsettling; we were not there, Spring is moving too fast-its as if our own aspirations become tied to the blooms-What if we will never experience the true Spring, the Spring of all the flowers, the one Spring that will give us all that we need to be completely connected to the spring.

Spring will do that to us- an awakening that is vigorous and fresh, yet so full of uncertainties. There is something to be said for a Spring break.

Stop and see the flowers!

Your moment to become part of Spring is when you see the blooms and feel the air and recognize that a new time is here.


We were pleased to see that the invasive Garlic mustard had been removed from the area.  Last year it was a disturbing presence among the trilliums and the bluebells. We found out that the 3rd saturday of every month is an invasive removal workday! What a great way to be a part of spring; volunteer your time doing environmental restoration in your local natural area! Now that the Garlic mustard has been removed for this year, the acorns can germinate, and the Beeches, Oaks, Maples and Sycamores can become the seedlings for the next generation of forest. This will be the forest that will maintain the biodiversity we have seen today.  With all of the invasive species problems in the world today, the forests need us to come out and give a hand.  It was truly heart-warming for us to see that the schuylkill environmental education center is making a concerted effort to restore their magnificent forest. We had a magical walk through the enchanting Ravine loop, and we would love to come out one day when we can and volunteer and to tell our own story of Morris Park.