We arrived at the preserve around 2:30. The Lancaster Conservancy volunteers have picked about 20 bags of garlic mustard! The conservancy had a table set up and they gave us a free pouch of purple cone flower seeds!

Susquehanna Trillium, freshly blooming!

Trout Lily

A panoramic view!

The weather was nice and sunny and it was around 60° with a light wind

Mertensia virginica




A view of the creek

A morphological display of the bluebells. The cliff in the background provides a nice dark backdrop to show off this plant!

The emerging fronds of a Christmas Fern

The Conservancy has done a good job of blocking off rogue trails that usually end up getting plants crushed. They also closed off the old road making for a more pleasant hike. There is also a lot of educational material and signage to help people discover different plants. I only saw one crushed Trillium very close to the pathway. In years past, we would see dozens. They are also giving a daily tour on weekends this month.


Bluebells blooming! Below Bloodroot blooming ! Dutchman’s Breeches and Blood root !Twinleaf blooming below that. It is amazing how well these spring ephemerals are thriving in our West Philadelphia, rowhouse yard. It must be noted that while we are on the plateau, the fence of our yard, and the row houses are providing a ravine-like atmosphere that provides the protection, that some of these Ephemeral ravine-thriving plants need.

Winter’s end and emerging Spring in Philadelphia

I went on my 11 mile bike ride around Fairmount Park in Philadelphia today and the first part of the bike ride was warm and balmy and I saw some emerging spring ephemerals. After I crossed the Strawberry mansion bridge the wind started to pick up and clouds started to move in and when I got to Kelly Drive the wind was blowing pretty strong. A typical March day here in Philadelphia! I found a patch of Spring Beauty blooming and emerging Trout Lily’s. ( along the boxers Trail) I also found plenty of blooming spicebush!

Above , blooming spicebush!