Mertensia virginica
We stopped at Bull Run Park in Manassas, Virginia where there is an astounding Blue Bell population. After taking some stills, I struggled with how to capture the magnificence of the place, so I made some videos.

There was some decent variation of the species on site, here is a pink variety. We also saw some pale  blue specimens.
Lesser celandine was the most annoying invasive covering much of the area most likely previously inhabited by Mertensia at this time of the year. We tried to not let this bother us too much as we were here to enjoy a happy spring day.
As you can see here, the trail is very inviting and also very long, which is why we chose bicycling. There are benches all along that one can stop at to enjoy the view.
Here you can see the Lesser Celandine taking over. If local residents and volunteers could adopt a small, doable section and hand pulled these, maybe it could help mitigate the problem.
Here is a pale blue variety!Â
Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve? A lot of the same plants! More like the Viola Street Wildflower Preserve! Just an 8 feet by 13 feet backyard garden we have quite a show going on!
The Dogwood is blooming away. The Blooms almost glow in the dark. Below is a view from the second floor.
Trillium blooming in the corner
Mayapple and Christmas Fern. Lastly one of our favorite Springtime plants, Bluebells!